
Evaluation This module has really allowed me to explore postmodernism and new ways of thinking about the media, culture and art. I now know about theories and theorists that I didn’t know existed and their opinions have really brought life to my work, something which I will be able to apply in media theory from … Continue reading

“Everything has been done before, nothing is original!”

  Everything we see today has evolved from something we’ve seen before just with an added spin or new angle. It’s this idea that I will explore in terms of postmodern culture and the way in which, in the media particularly, ideas and styles are just reinterpretations of the past which. I aim to highlight … Continue reading

Qualitative and Quantitative


Press Pause Play

Press Pause Play The documentary has an underlining narrative throughout of a young musician who has used the internet as his pathway to success. Throughout the film we hear from professionals in the industry who talk about how the industry has changed since they began and speak about the positives and negatives of living in … Continue reading

Glossary of Terms


Self reflection

Self reflection: When I first started my degree I learnt quickly that I needed hands on experience in the industry to accompany my studies; I immediately began contacting various media organisations in search of work experience. I’ve learnt key skills such as the art of interviews, how to produce a piece of video journalism in … Continue reading

BBC Work experience Certificate

Feedback from statement of intent

When I had a tutorial today in regards to my statement of intent for my dissertation the following topics were mentioned in regards to Leveson: The future of regulation Just how powerful is the press How did it effect the general public What part had the most effect on the general public (Millie) How the … Continue reading


PressPausePlay from House of Radon on Vimeo.

Essay proposal

Selected questions: “Everything has been done before, nothing is original!’Direction: Discuss this statement making reference to concepts such as postmodernism, pastiche, retro, kitsch, reappropriation. Look at specific examples of TV, film, animation, games, web design and examples in visual culture. 2. I will explore the idea that everything we see in the media today is … Continue reading